Our mission is just.

We are a coalition of community stakeholders committed to acknowledging and addressing systemic racism in housing in Minnesota.

Coalition members provide free legal and title services to help property owners find discriminatory covenants and discharge them from their property titles. The Coalition also provides education opportunities to help communities acknowledge this racist history and pursue reconciliation and anti-racist solutions. Our member organizations share responsibility for creating and correcting systemic racism in housing. We acknowledge the racist systems that exist in our communities, and we are working together to dismantle them.

Together, we will achieve this goal by educating Minnesotans.


Illuminate the racist practices perpetrated by individual developers, real estate agents, lawyers, and local, state and federal governments to establish segregated housing and keep wealth and opportunity away from communities of color.


So everyone understands who has directly and indirectly benefited from these historically racist practices and how such practices over time have shaped access to property, homeownership and wealth.


By taking action to dismantle the racist systems that deny opportunities to communities of color, and by investing in solutions that create equity.

We believe these truths.

All members of the Just Deeds Coalition recognize the following principles and dedicate themselves to take action.


Systemic racism in housing occurs today. Black, Indigenous and other communities of color continue to face discrimination and lack of access to affordable housing and homeownership.


Continued denial of opportunities to build general wealth through homeownership perpetuates inequity within our communities.


We will not erase or deny history. We will acknowledge it and learn from it.


We will be honest about institutional roles (public and private) in creating and growing systemic racism.


We commit to begin and participate in hard conversations within our communities and institutions about our shared history of discrimination and systemic racism.


We pledge to examine the current policies and practices of our institutions to prevent future racist actions.


We will identify racism in our institutions and processes, and will actively work to remove it.