Participate in these events.

Please join us for the following opportunities sponsored by the Just Deeds Coalition founding members and partners.

Saturday, September 14 | 11:00 AM

Founded in 1974, the Golden Valley Historical Society (GVHS) is commemorating fifty years of uncovering, preserving, and sharing our community’s vibrant past. Celebrate with us at our Golden Jubilee open house and discover the stories that have shaped Golden Valley through our community partners, museum exhibits, and historic church open house. Just Deeds will have a table at this event – stop by to learn more about our work, or just to say hello!

Monday, September 16 | 2:55 PM

Hennepin County Homeowners, there is a process that is very low cost and simple to protect and build generational wealth! Wills, deeds, and probate can be complicated and expensive for you and your loved ones. Fortunately, Minnesota has an easy and inexpensive way to leave a home or property to a loved one when the current owner passes away. It is called a Transfer on Death Deed, and Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid can help you fill this out for free.

A Transfer on Death Deed, also called a “TODD” is a document that is filed with the county. It is a simple process, where a homeowner describes the property, designates a grantee, and has the form notarized. After it has been filed it is legally binding. Once the owner passes away the home immediately transfers legal ownership to the grantee. There is no need to go through a probate process or pay anyone to help with the transition. Using a TODD avoids courts and is much easier to create than a will. Also, the original homeowner can revoke it at any time or update it as easily as they created the first TODD. There is a $46 filing fee that is paid directly to the Hennepin County registrar’s office, but that is the only cost associated with this process. Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid can help with all Transfer on Death Deed issues for free to any homeowners in Hennepin County! Whether you are the one receiving a home through a TODD and wondering what the next steps are, or you are hoping to leave your home to loved ones with a TODD, Legal Aid would love to help! Call 612-746-3611 and leave a message to schedule an appointment.