Government officials and staff.

Join Just Deeds to help your community acknowledge the history of discriminatory covenants and systemic racism in housing. You can work to discharge discriminatory covenants within your city and take action to reshape your community with equity and inclusion. Your efforts can impact communities’ access to quality housing, educational opportunities and economic opportunities.

Engagement opportunities are available for state, county and city elected officials; city administrators, planners and equity and inclusion staff; community and economic development directors and staff; and city attorneys.

Download our toolkit so your city staff and leaders can sponsor a Just Deeds project in your city.

Engage in community conversations on race and housing. See what’s happening in your community.

Adopt the mission of Just Deeds. Incorporate intentional actions into city policies and goals.

Help break the racist patterns of the past. Learn how racism shows up in city ordinances, policies and planning.

Request a Just Deeds speaker to address your neighborhood, school or community group.